
Posts about organic gardening, native plants, herbs, and earth working business.

Intentional Hiking

Intentional Hiking

This post is not simply an instruction. It is also a reminder for both of us to stay focused and do the work that keeps us sane in a world that seems to be going very insane. Political views aside, if we all took more time to actively relax, maybe there would not be...

How to Prepare Plants for a Freeze

How to Prepare Plants for a Freeze

In the Southern US, we can still grow in winter. But plants need extra care when the temperature dips below the freezing point of water. Here are a few essential steps you can take to ensure your plants make it through what could be one of many freezes over the...

Plant People Podcast Episode 1 with Rachel Weaver

Plant People Podcast Episode 1 with Rachel Weaver

Credit: Rachel's web site banner from Hello, friends! Here is the first episode of the Plant People Podcast with special guest Rachel Weaver, as promised.

New! Plant People Podcast

New! Plant People Podcast

I'm very excited to announce that accompanying this blog is a monthly podcast I've titled Plant People. It's a podcast dedicated to people who live and work with plants. The purpose of the podcast is to help heal the rift between humans and the earth. We talk about...

Permaculture Basics: A Primer

Permaculture Basics: A Primer

My hope is that this article will pique your interest and give you a sense of how you can garden with a little more ease. Who was it that said, “A garden that thrives on laziness is a great garden”? Was that just me? I’m not so sure. Here I’m going to lay out the...

Seed Saving is Essential!

Seed Saving is Essential!

Whether it’s from fruit or flower, seed-saving is one very important skill I learned late when I first started growing. It was in the context of heirloom seeds – real heirlooms, not from packets, passed down for generations – that I began to understand the importance...

North Texas Native: Turk’s Cap

North Texas Native: Turk’s Cap

In this ‘Weekly Native’ series, I’ll showcase a species of plant that is seasonally active in North Texas. This week’s native is Turk's Cap, also known taxonomically as Malvaviscus arboreus. This Texas annual hails from Central and South America and has made its...

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